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Posts from ‘December, 2010’

can someone plz help me with english 10 points?

1)The climax of “The Lottery” is:

-the Hutchinson children as potential lottery “winners”

-Tessie Hutchinson being stoned to death

-Old Man Warner arguing with the Adams family for the tradition of the lottery

-Tessie Hutchinson being identified as the villager …

Where can I get recordings of a BBC radio drama from about 15 years ago?

Specifically, this one:


Does the BBC keep all their old recordings & if so are they available for purchase somewhere? Neither the BBC site, the Radio 4 site, or anything else I’ve found helps me. =\

Asked by:avegraziaplena

Old time Radio and audio drama podcast fans, what do you think of audio drama talk website?

http://www.audiodramatalk.com/ I have not spent much time on the site but do like several programs that there are links for

Asked by:chorle

Helllllppp, year 10 work experience :(?

Ok so im a girl, in year 10, and my school gives absolutley NO help with this stuff, its just heres a sheet, go find a place. Im fairly sporty, tennis being the main one but i dont think i …

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