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Posts from ‘May, 2011’

Old-Time Radio Was The Theater Of Romance's Golden Age

The likes of aging love stories with emotional classical music were prevalent in the early days of old – time radio such as this one.

Old Time Radio Shows With A Touch Of Romance

It ran in brief episodes months apart from one another. However, the same tales of love were present that captivated listeners. It continued this type of inconsistency until 1954.

Why Old Time Radio Shows Can Help Relieve Stress | The Board Magazine

There is an old time radio series, which was broadcast from 1947 for seven years. Every episode opened with the following words: Tired of the everyday grind?

Nightfall – Footsteps (10-08-82) – PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Footsteps (Aired October 8, 1982) Nightfall is a radio drama series produced and aired by CBC Radio from July 1980 to June 1983. While primarily a supernatural/horror series, Nightfall featured some episodes in other genres, such as science fiction, mystery, fantasy, and human drama.

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