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Posts from ‘May, 2012’

old.time.radio Digest V2012 #86 – Old Time Radio Digest Archives

old . time . radio Digest V2012 #86

032 REPS Podcast_Same Time Same Station 5/13/2012 Part 1 …

John and Larry Gassman are our resident radio historians.

030 REPS Podcast_Same Time Same Station 5/6/2012 Part 1 …

We will also talk about his appearances at the many Old Time Radio conventions over the past several years including the REPS SHOWCASE where he will be June 22-24th 2012. Next, we listen to Paul Frees, in a one man …

Comics, old time radio and other cool stuff: ROCK MEN, PURPLE …

Random Thoughts about pre-digital Pop Culture, covering subjects such as pulp fiction, B-movies, comic strips, comic books and old – time radio . NEW CONTENT POSTED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND …

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